Resume Hints

SAI recruiters evaluate thousands of resumes per year and realize extraordinary candidates demonstrate extraordinary pride.  Appearance can determine if resume content is even considered. For style depend on templates often provided with word processing programs.  For spelling and grammar seek a qualified proofreader.  For content:

  • Identify the personally-challenging problems and issues your next boss or next company likely needs addressed.

  • Inventory and describe your skills. Evaluate how your skills provide solutions to the above problems.

  • Inventory and describe your accomplishments. Correlate your accomplishments as solutions to the above problems.

Limit your resume to two pages. #12-sized font is small enough.  Employ reverse chronology and elaborate skills and accomplishments no further back than 7 years.  Chronologically list employers and assignments beyond 7 years.    

Ancillary supportive information (for example; project lists, portfolio, etc.) should be submitted simultaneous to resume submittal.

We assist and market 'scarce resource' candidates.  For more details please contact us.

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